As within, so without
as above, so below
A generation looking to the sunset
wishing for a sign
Remembering the nightmare under the stairs
as you ran up from the basement
and it didn’t grab your ankles
the terror of the dark was all in your head
and the sky sighs slight
but with nothing new
We are a people in need of a sign
A generation of children with a catch
in our throat
Eager to change
Wanting to train our sights on the thing
that will fix it
awkward and clunky
and crashing into anything that seems like
don’t run up the basements stairs in a blind panic
take each one, slowly
if it’s gonna grab you
it’ll do it
then what will you do?
but that will never happen
and you’re afraid of Nothing
If it grabbed you, it would be a relief
cause then you could fight
instead we wait for the sign
the sigil in the sky that says now, finally now
we can live
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